400 Water St.
Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 650-5080
"I love when my two worlds come together." My first reaction when I found out that Rochester Mills Beer Company used to be a knitting mill!!! Very exciting for me. Plus, the building is really cool.
Alright, I was told that Rochester Mills Beer Co was sister breweries with Royal Oak Brewery and Detroit Beer Co, but I can't find any evidence on the internet. A link though is the red ales they all have: Rochester Red, Royal Oak Red, and Detroit Red. I don't know, maybe someone can enlighten me?
Speaking of Reds, the Rochester Red was going to be my choice until Jonah ordered the sampler. "Hey, if I get a sampler too we can try almost every beer on the menu." This is always the best choice. It was specifically this time because the red was sour, very unfortunate. RMB Co has an excellent Lazy Daze Lager (Grandma agreed!), but my prize goes to the Paint Creek Porter. Delicious. Thanks Aunt Karol for suggesting this one!
Rochester, Royal Oak & Detroit used to have the same owners. A few years back, one of the owners sold off his share of Detroit and gave up ownership of Royal oak for sole ownership of Rochester. Detroit & Royal Oak are still sister breweries.